Update 27 | What changed on 1 July 2021
What changed on 1 July 2021? No rock the boat changes but still important to know. Here are 11 changes to look out for.
What changed on 1 July 2021? No rock the boat changes but still important to know. Here are 11 changes to look out for.
This year's budget is about stimulating growth in a post-COVID world. Andrew Henshaw will discuss these with you in this episode.
If somebody offered you a way to claim your franking credits twice, would you do it? You might hesitate, but many European banks didn't.
In this episode Robyn Jacobson of TaxBanter will walk you through the judiciary (courts) and administrative side (ATO) of our tax law system.
Australia's three independent arms of government shape our tax system. Robyn Jacobson of TaxBanter will tell you more.
If we can't reform our tax system, should we try to at least simplify it? Here is Chris Evans of UNSW with some insights.
In this episode Chris Evans of UNSW looks at tax reform and why this seems to be an insurmountable task in Australia.
Labor wants to change negative gearing, CGT discounts and franking credit refunds. Here is Gordon Mackenzie of UNSW with more.
Why do we need a separate Medicare levy in Australia? In this episode Bob Deutsch of The Tax Institute will try to give you an answer.
Property vs shares - how are they taxed differently? Bob Deutsch, Senior Tax Counsel of The Tax Institute, pursues this question.
Australia ratified the OECD's Multilateral Instrument in September 2018. Simon Dorevitch of A & A Tax Legal Consulting will tell you what happens next.
The multilateral instrument is to stop base erosion and profit shifting. Here is Simon Dorevitch of A & A Tax Legal Consulting with more.
Multinational base erosion and profit shifting harms Australia through lost tax revenue. Here is Simon Dorevitch of A & A Tax Legal Consulting with more.
The Board of Taxation is currently reviewing Australia's small business tax concessions. Here is Dr Mark Pizzacalla with more details.
Chances are the Board of Taxation has featured in your work before. But what does the Board actually do? Here is Dr Mark Pizzacalla with the answer.
Did you ever think about doing a Master of Taxation? If yes, this episode is for you. Michael Walpole of UNSW will give you a helpful overview.
If you could change one thing about the Australian tax system, what would it be and how? Robert Deutsch of The Tax institute asked that question.
Tax Talks is Australia’s tax news podcast for tax professionals. Informative, entertaining and free.
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