397 | Asset Protection Layers
Asset protection layers can get pierced through. None is watertight. But the more layers you have, the more protected you are.
Asset protection layers can get pierced through. None is watertight. But the more layers you have, the more protected you are.
Asset protection silos are to ringfence the assets of one business from the creditors of another.
Here are five transfer pricing examples that cover common transfer pricing issues.
A reasonably arguable position - a so-called 'RAP' - is essential to protect you from penalties and interest around transfer pricing.
Which state law applies when you have people in different states? Do the DINs change anything? How do you check that a client matches the ID provided? All electronic signature questions you ever wanted to know you find in this episode.
The legislative framework of electronic signatures is confusing - to say the least.
Child support lump sum payments are often favoured by mothers and might improve the relationship between parents.
Child support non-agency payments are payments to third parties credited to a child support liability.
The two s100A B Blood and Guardian cases cover some very specific scenarios. And not common examples.
Updated s100A TR and PCG - get the updated review of ATO's approach to s100 issues. Avoid reimbursement arrangements.
TR 98/4 situations 4 and 5 are about non-arm's length income and arrangements.
TR 98/4 is about child maintenance trust arrangements. It lists five scenarios where the CMT does not qualify for excepted income.
Child maintenance trust income - this is the second part of our interview about the excepted income in child maintenance trusts.
CMT excepted income is what a child maintenance trust is all about. If you don't have excepted income, then there is little point in having a CMT.
A system of agreement wraps around an electronic signature. A signature never exists alone floating in space.
You have seven options to qualify for the simplified transfer pricing record keeping as outlined in PCG 2017/2.
Transfer pricing is an issue whenever you deal with an associated entity overseas.
This pipeline walk-through with Taxopedia will give you ideas and food for thought.
Small business litigation funding sounds great but the devil is in the detail. There will be a substantial funding gap. Who pays that gap?
Bitcoin is not a currency - at least that is what the AAT says in Seribu Pty Ltd v CoT in 2020.
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