372 | PSI in Child Support Assessments
PSI in child support assessments is tricky. Even when you pass the PSI rules and have a PSB, the agency can override this.
PSI in child support assessments is tricky. Even when you pass the PSI rules and have a PSB, the agency can override this.
The 4P framework is a helpful tool to work out how to grow your accounting practice.
Repricing existing clients is one of the hardest things to do when growing your firm.
PCG 2022/D2 gives you a safe harbour for non-commercial business losses.
In this solocast you will hear 17 arguments for offshore direct hire.
In this solocast, you will hear 17 arguments for offshore labour hire, e.g. using TOA.
ASIC deregistration of insolvent companies can be a deliberate strategy.
As your business struggles, when is it time to call it a day? Here is Ben Sewell with nine more questions to ask.
What should you do when your business is struggling? There are 19 questions to ask.
How to hire offshore staff - only 2 steps but there is a lot in there.
How to find your offshore staff - nine steps to find who you need. From advertising to shortlisting and interview.
This one will affect anybody with at least one land holding in Queensland and at least one other holding anywhere else in Australia.
This latest report was published in August 2022 and covers developments up until 31 March 2022. The June numbers are not out yet. In this episode, Kevin Zhang, Technical Compliance Manager of Class, will walk you through the main findings of this report.
A disclaimer of trust income used to be easy - not anymore as Andrew Henshaw of Velocity Legal in Melbourne will tell you.
The Carter Case changed everything. You can no longer disclaim a trust distribution for income tax purposes.
What is it like to work in a labour hire agency in the Philippines? Get an insider view on moonlighting and staff poaching.
Charitha Wasala tells you how he set up his own direct offshore team in Sri Lanka and manages his teams - directly without an agency sitting between him and his people.
Offshore labour hire has become a very popular solution. Listen to three Australian accountants about their experiences.
When you structure across the US - AU border, you easily run into the following six questions.
When your clients plan an expansion into the US, they will most likely ask you how to structure this.
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